Our 3rd and 4th grades had a great day on their end of year field trip to Skate Town and Meadowlake Park! 🛼🌳🛝
9 months ago, Sara Hauser
3rd & 4th grade field trip
3rd & 4th grade field trip
We are excited to announce a new feature on our website. Okeene Public Schools is partnering with Parchment to provide access to OHS transcripts. Graduates can pay a nominal fee to get digital access to their transcripts. Currently, we only offer transcripts from 2007 to present, but in the coming months we plan to add graduating classes prior to 2007. You can access the button on our home page or it is also located under our "Counselor's Corner" section. https://www.okeene.k12.ok.us
9 months ago, Okeene Public Schools
Benefit dinner this Sunday!
9 months ago, Kiley Feely
Benefit dinner
3rd Graders staked their claim in the Land Run! They have been learning about Oklahoma history this year. Thanks to everyone who made this day so memorable for our students!
10 months ago, Sara Hauser
Land Run
Land Run
Land Run
Land Run
Land Run
Land Run
Land Run
Land Run
Land Run
Land Run
Regional Champions for our Whippet Track & Field! 🏆🩵🐾 The Lady Whippets finished 11th out of 20 teams. Best of luck at State!
10 months ago, Okeene Public Schools
Due to regional track changes, the FFA banquet will now start at 7 PM on Monday night instead of 6:30 PM. Members still need to wear offical dress.
10 months ago, Karl Riffel
The Regional Track Meet has been moved to Monday, April 29th.
10 months ago, Okeene Public Schools
We are hiring for a custodian/maintenance employee. Please read below on how to apply!
10 months ago, Okeene Public Schools
job position available
We will have one last chance to get new books for summer reading at the elementary library from May 2nd-May 9th during school hours. The Book Fair is Buy One Book, Get One Free. Setting up an e-wallet is easy and convenient. Also, there will be several tables of free, used books that are up for grabs for all reading levels.
10 months ago, Kiley Feely
Book Fair
Okeene Public Schools would like to acknowledge the passing of former Okeene coach, Keith Young, who coached from 1969-1973.
10 months ago, Okeene Public Schools
rest in peace Keith young
NHS Installation will be Thursday, April 25th, 2024 at 9:00am in the High School Auditorium.
10 months ago, Okeene Public Schools
NHS Installation
The FFA banquet will be Monday April 29th at 6.30 pm. Come out and support these hard working FFA members.
10 months ago, Karl Riffel
A Parent University forum will be held tomorrow night, April 22 from 6-7PM. Any student whose parent comes to the forum will receive 10 bonus points on a test score in their math class.
10 months ago, Okeene Public Schools
Lily Peacock competed in the Bocce Ball competition at the Weatherford Special Olympics today. She received a third place! 🥉 Thank you to Lily’s helpers: Mackenzie Day and Hayden Estrada.
10 months ago, Okeene Public Schools
REMINDER: A Parent University forum will be held on April 22 from 6-7PM. Several topics will be discussed.
10 months ago, Okeene Public Schools
28 Okeene 5/6th graders were rewarded with a beautiful day of baseball at the Chickasaw Bricktown Ballpark today for earning their points in Accelerated Reader. Students had weekly point goals to keep their reading on track for success. They received a free meal & OKC ball cap. OKC got the win!
10 months ago, Kiley Feely
AR trip
AR trip
AR trip
AR trip
AR trip
AR trip
AR trip
AR trip
AR trip
AR trip
T-shirt orders are due April 25th. Orders are open to everyone. Print the form below or acquire one from the elementary school office to order.
10 months ago, Okeene Public Schools
shirt form
Yearbook Orders have been EXTENDED!! Paper forms are due no later than Friday, the 19th and online orders are due Sunday, the 21st! Print the form or acquire one from the school offices. Online orders can be made here: yearbookordercenter.com School code: 15257
10 months ago, Okeene Public Schools
A Parent University forum will be held on April 22 from 6-7PM. Any student whose parent comes to the forum will receive 10 bonus points on a test score in their math class.
10 months ago, Okeene Public Schools
FCCLA State convention 2024 was filled with activities. The students got to dance the night away with Silent Disco, listen to amazing inspirational speakers, and experience the Tulsa Zoo.
10 months ago, Jodi Hussey