There will be NO SUMMER SCHOOL tomorrow, June 11th, 2024 due to many staff attending the funeral of Mr. Feely’s father, Joe Feely. Our deepest sympathies go out to the entire Feely family during this time.
8 months ago, Okeene Public Schools
no summer school June 11th
Five Okeene High School students attended the 84th session of Oklahoma American Legion Boys State at Rogers State University May 25- June 1, 2024. It was a historic year with the largest population attending. Delegates conducted local government elections while sheltering from an F-3 tornado which struck Claremore and the surrounding communities late in the evening on the day of their arrival. Reportedly, the 320 delegates and 100 staff/volunteers were safely in the underground tornado shelter within 6 minutes of the first alarm. Luckily, the university was not in the path of destruction but was without power intermittently throughout the week from the storm. Despite the challenges, programs continued as delegates studied the government process through classes and simulations of government in action including mock legislature, state executive offices, court system, and emergency management. Delegates also participated in teambuilding activities competing in basketball, combat soccer, marksmanship, volleyball, flickerball, eSports, and an Academic Bowl. Congratulations to Diego Lopez, Destry Swaim, Edan Chasteen, Meade Brickman, and Wyatt Graham for representing Okeene High School at this year’s Boys State.
8 months ago, Okeene Public Schools
boys state
boys state
boys state
boys state
boys state
boys state
JH & HS Physicals are today, Thursday June 6th from 3:00-5:00. 🩺 There are forms at the HS and in the Activity Center.
8 months ago, Okeene Public Schools
Summer school kicked off today. They didn't let the weather spoil the fun. Students engaged in balloon and bubble activities at the Okeene Public Library.
8 months ago, Todd Woolley
students watching presentation
students watching presentation
students watching presentation
outside fun
outside fun
outside fun
students watching presentation
The Okeene Whippet Football team is hosting a team store for the upcoming season! 🏈 Order all your Whippet gear and receive the items before the season starts! Click the link to get started:
8 months ago, Okeene Public Schools
On May 8th, the Elementary TAG (Talented and Gifted) students traveled to Jenks to the Oklahoma Aquarium for their end of the year trip.
9 months ago, Leigh Bisel
photo bomb!
The touch area. Students got to touch star fish, turtles, white jelly fish, and sting rays .
Spectacular Shark program
The Crew: Back Row: Lincoln Williams, Dash Noll, Taylor Robison, Raylee Fisher, Gabe Meyer and Jose Padilla. Front Row: Hazen McGinn, Violet Johannesmeyer, Livie Bryan, Emery Fisher and Savannah Woolley
beautiful jellyfish !
Shark cage
Shark Cage
Summer Pride Info ⤵️
9 months ago, Okeene Public Schools
summer Pride
Mr. Woolley's 6th graders celebrated the last day of being an Elementary student with a fun day at the park.
9 months ago, Todd Woolley
6th grade class
playing at the park
playing at the park
playing at the park
eating at the park
playing at the park
playing at the park
playing at the park
playing at the park
Mrs. Unruh's 1st grade class finished up an author study on Eric Carle last week. They discussed things he did, liked, and created. They discussed his painting techniques and tried them out themselves. Mrs. Schultz came read to them & do a craft. They had fun being creative. 🎨
9 months ago, Brada Unruh
Directed drawing
directed dressing
The Tiny Seed
Guest Reader
5th and 6th grade celebrated reaching their AR goal with a video game experience this week. Thank you HS for allowing us to use the E-Sports equipment.
9 months ago, Todd Woolley
students playing video games
students playing video games
students enjoying snacks
students playing video games
students playing video games
students playing video games
Okeene's Jr/Sr High Reading Challenge Incoming 7th grade through 12th are invited to join us in our summer reading challenge. Prizes and a field trip included!!!
9 months ago, Tahnya Hursh
page 1
page 2
Ms. Haworth and Mr. Woolley's 5th and 6th grade classes celebrated the end of the year at the lake yesterday! 🌊☀️
9 months ago, Todd Woolley
Students enjoying the beach.
Students enjoying the beach.
Students enjoying the beach.
Students enjoying the beach.
Students enjoying the beach.
Students enjoying the beach.
Students enjoying the beach.
Lily and her support team are ready to go at the Special Olympic Summer Games in Stillwater! Good luck today, Lily! We're proud of you. 👏🏼
9 months ago, Okeene Public Schools
Lily’s team
Mrs. Krause delivered the letters the seniors wrote to their future selves while in her 6th grade class. The students enjoyed reading their letters and sharing favorite memories from their last year in elementary school.
9 months ago, Okeene Public Schools
The students in Mrs. Krause’ class went to the STEM Lab today for Robot Olympics with Coach Heckart and Mrs. Hutchison! 🤖 They earned the reward for positive behavior in the classroom.
9 months ago, Okeene Public Schools
soccer with robots
Thank you to all who have supported our libraries through the Scholastic Book Fairs this year. If you missed our Book Fair, you can still shop our online Fair through May 15th. 25% of online sales go to purchase new books for our student!
9 months ago, Kiley Feely
book fair online
Schedule of events for our Little Olympics tomorrow, May 13th.
9 months ago, Okeene Public Schools
little Olympics
REMINDER: Online orders end Sunday, May 12th! Please get your orders in.
9 months ago, Okeene Public Schools
4th grade livin' in 1910 at Turkey Creek School.
9 months ago, Rhonda Heckart
A life in 1910. Turkey Creek Schoolhouse
Sitting properly !
Sitting properly!
Boy Spelling Bee Champion
Girl Spelling Bee Champion
Promotion pictures were taken. Students were given forms. If you'd like to purchase, please return by next Wed. If returned by Monday the 14th, they will be delivered to students before the last day of school. If not, they'll be delivered to the Superintendent's office.
9 months ago, Okeene Public Schools